What a friend!

A while ago I wrote a story called Familiar Church Home.  It tells of our time in a church that so totally impacted our family that it was difficult to settle in any other church and feel, “home”.

Today,(as of my writing-4/8/2022) the pastor who served for 40 years in our “Familiar Church Home”, went home to be with the Lord. Our hearts are broken as we remember the wonderful sermons, special events, and joyful fellowship we enjoyed with our Godly spiritual guide, counselor, and friend.

I honestly believe that Fred and I are still married today (46 years) because Ken Meade interceded. I called him one day many years ago and said, “My bags are packed and sitting at the front door!” He said, “I’ll be right over!” I don’t even remember all the advice he gave us, he just listened and never took sides, although he did encourage Fred, with that amazing Ken smile that, “You really do need to balance the check book!” 

Being the dreamer, planner, and idea person that I am, Ken always encouraged me, as long as it was within the bounds of scripture, he always encouraged the ideas I’d bring to him. Saying, “If there is anything you need, just let us (he and the church office) know.”  

Just a year ago, I shared with Ken a new Faith-Filled Days movie I made for my By Faith Ministries web site. I had received permission from a young pianist to use his piano hymns to combine with our Faith-Filled Days picture-scriptures.  I thought Ken would enjoy it being an amazing pianist himself.  What a sweet, encouraging note he sent me on how, “it lifted him up and how he hoped that many people would benefit from my hard work, and most importantly, “praise our Heavenly Father with an increased dimension of FAITH.” He had such a special way of encouraging and stirring me up to good works.

I know that our friend, Ken Meade is with our Heavenly Father, and I rejoice in his home-going to be with Jesus, but the tears I shed are as much for myself and my familiar church home family. How we will miss his love, friendship, the encouragement he brought to our lives and the amazing way he represented Jesus.  I thank God for such a friend as Ken. I pray I can always follow his example to encourage and love others.


And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, Hebrews 10:24

1 thought on “What a friend!

  1. Linda Thomasson says:

    This is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful, Godly man. We will all miss him, but we know that we will one day see him again. Thanks, Dee! 😂

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