Ms.TL King is a sweet friend of mine and I’m excited to share with you her new book. She offers empowering motivation and encouragement to pursue new beginnings no matter what season of life you find yourself.
In her own words “Rise and Reclaim” is a “Blending authenticity with a touch of humor, T.L. King shares openly about the highs and lows of life, encouraging women—especially those in midlife—to find the courage to embrace self-worth and pursue new beginnings. Through her work, she empowers women to build financial independence and confidence, believing that everyone deserves a life they can feel proud of.”
I am past those years considered “mid-life” but am finding much of her encouraging words and life changing suggestions positive and uplifting. I trust we could all use a bit of rising from the ashes in which we find ourselves and reclaiming the most excellent life our amazing creator has planned and purposed for us. See the link below to purchase your copy of this reflective read!
Used by permission: Rise and Reclaim 31 Days to Rediscovering You by T.L. King
Promote Peace and Joy in your Home
Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy. Proverbs 12:20
A harsh word stirs up anger but a gentle answer turns away wrath. Proverbs 15:1
It is so easy to fall into the trap of following our emotions when hurt or angry. We must ask God for His Holy Spirit to provide the strength it will require to obey His word to offer that gentle answer. He will honor his promise but even if he should harden the heart of the one with whom you struggle, like he did pharaoh toward Moses, you must not allow your heart to be hardened. Only you can control you!
A few weeks ago, in preparation of my approaching hip replacement, I had purchased a few items I thought might assist in my mobility. I didn’t open the Amazon packages right away as I knew I had plenty of time until the surgery and for allotted returns should I decide they wouldn’t work as I imagined. But, as usual, life got away from me and the other day, I told my husband that one or two of the items might not work but I had missed the deadline for returns by one day. He might have been justified in stating anger and frustration to my neglectful spending and scheduling, but instead he calmed my concerns with a sweet, gentle response of “We might find a use for them at some point.” How different that conversation might have sounded had he allowed frustration to ensue. He made me feel loved and cared for and peace reigned in our home.
The next time a friend or loved one does or says something that might put your relationship into a tailspin, consider how you might respond that could turn away wrath, promote joy and peace, but most of all honor God!
Encouraged from the YouVersion Plan by Rick Warren’s Uncommon Courage-Day 9 5/9/23
Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, “The strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.” Nehemiah 4:10
Father God, please show me the rubble that is in my way. What discouragements have interfered with my progress concerning By Faith Ministries? Help me recognize the enemy’s ploys and help me stand with my sword in one hand and work with the other. Help me find the words to thwart Satan and write words that honor and glorify you! Father, you are good and deserve my very best. Help me clear the RUBBLE! In Jesus’ name I pray. I love you, Father!
After taking time to reflect on some “rubble” I struggle to get around:
Pride – Sadly, I do require praise and appreciation
Discouragement – looking for and waiting for kudos before moving forward. Allowing a lack of kudos to determine God’s approval or disapproval
Conflict – not knowing what to do next or how to do it
Distractions – I do what’s easy avoiding my work and purpose
Procrastination – putting off even new ideas that have presented themselves
Uneducated – learning how to best design and present my site. (Now see Blog: CompelPro)
Do you have rubble that needs clearing before you can move forward with the plans and purposes God has for you? Let’s work on them together.
Your Will Be Done!
Lately, I have been pretty much beginning my prayers with…” Your will be done, Father because you will most likely say, No!” I cannot believe the cynicism and doubt that has plagued my prayers. There are so many verses in the Bible that encourage asking our heavenly Father for things for ourselves and on the behalf of others, here are just a few…
- “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”” Matthew 21:22 NIV
- “Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 NIV
- “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:13 NIV
- “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” John 16:23 NIV
- “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7 NIV
Remain Persistent:
- “…yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’” Luke 18:5 ESV
I have begun my own study on what’s happening in my heart with doubting that God will respond “positively” to my requests, especially when they are crucial requests for healing or lifesaving! (There seems to have been so many lately where God said, “No!”) Because of this it seems I was defeated before I even started! I would find myself crying out like the father did for his child saying, “I believe; help my unbelief!”” Mark 9:24 ESV. Then, I asked point blank for a very specific instance in the Bible where a prayer was requested but would not receive a positive (yes) answer. The Holy Spirit wasted no time in reminding me of Jesus praying in the garden. He asked the Father for this cup to pass by Him and His final request being for the Father’s will and not His own.
Jesus knew why He came to earth, yet He still asked for the hatred, torture, disbelief, and cruel death to pass from Him. He knew He could call down legions of angels to save Him and whisk Him back to His safe, heavenly kingdom, but He chose to stay and complete the Father’s will. “Not my will, but yours be done” was not just the classic default statement to – in case you’re not going to say, “Yes”. He knew the task for which He was sent to earth. He already knew it was the Father’s will before He left heaven. He was making a declaration that He was choosing to die for me. He was making a declaration that He was choosing to die for the whole world. His was a purpose He and His Father had already agreed on and He was going to see it to the very end. (Hence, “It is finished!” was so amazingly appropriate!)
When we pray for ourselves and one another we need to remember, as stated in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” We just need to recognize after making our requests that God already has a plan in mind, and we need to be sure to stand in agreement with our Heavenly Father proclaiming; not my will but yours be done!
Wow! God is good! This was definitely a prayer request our Father God answered quickly with a most positive response as He does not want any of His children coming to Him in doubt and cynicism. Thank you, Father! This will bring new excitement to my prayers!
The matchless grace of Jesus!
When asked, “What’s the single most important thing you do as a leader?” Ray Johnston, in the YouVersion Bible plan, The Hope Quotient answered; “The single most important thing I do is make sure I stay encouraged.”
This, to me, is brilliant! For most of my 70 years I have looked to others for their grace-filled responses to encourage me. When they were few and far between, I became discouraged! I think Pastor Johnston is suggesting that I take away their power over me and look to the Holy Spirit and what God has planned and purposed for me. I must recognize and be thankful for my blessings and the gifts and talents with which God has granted me. I have often looked to do this, but never with the purpose that I remain encouraged. I have never, ever thought that staying encouraged could or should depend on me. From here on out if I should reach a point of discouragement I should only look inward and pray the Lord reveals the plan and purpose I’ve lost sight of, seek His will, and pull myself out of the muck!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13
It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. (Psalm 119:71NIV).
- Study God’s Word
- Change our thinking
- Spurring One Another On
- Prayer
Diabetes Good?
A while ago I read this little book offered on this website: the author William “Lee” Dubois. It’s a quick read and I sent this link to my doctor’s office. I should have had this book put in my hands the day I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. One thing Mr. Dubois says is that he’s glad he has Diabetes because it has forced him to take better care of himself. “I am healthier with diabetes then I was without it!” I really need to get my head around this way of thinking! I’m not sure I can be glad I have diabetes. Trying to manage it, rearrange my diet, test at the right times, taking medication that tore up my stomach, and watching my family eat what I can’t really has not been fun. While reflecting on my attitude I began to think about how God wants me to handle this disease. A couple verses came to mind:
“Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord….” 2 Corinthians 6:17. Hmmmm! As Christians we should have a different mind-set spiritually and now having this chronic disease puts us in a group that requires very special attention…our own! Mr. Williams also says, “it’s a self-managed disease…I’m in charge…I get to be in the driver’s seat!”. That’s an attitude we should give strong consideration in all areas of our lives!
It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. (Psalm 119:71NIV).
In my desire to understand this disease and how to better manage it I have diligently sought God’s thoughts on the subject of perseverance, eating, food, self-control, caring for what he has blessed me with and the list goes on!
I guess it has been good having diabetes! As I seek to learn more about this disease, I have learned more about myself but best of all more about God and His Word for me!
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you. Psalms 32:8
- Study God’s Word
- Change our thinking
- Spurring One Another On
- Prayer
Equine Wanderings
I’m not sure I have ever read this verse and seen so many lessons. I need to ask myself or better yet ask the Lord which part of this verse do I need most today?
Where do you want me to focus my attention, Father?
Do I recognize and praise you knowing you are instructing me?
Do I even listen to your instruction and wise counsel?
Do I trust that your eye is upon me every minute of everyday?
Do I find peace in this truth?
Am I being like the horse or mule in some area of my life?
Am I so stubborn and uncontrolled that I don’t understand that my safest and greatest place is by your side and seek to remain there or do I need your bit and bridle to keep me reigned in?
Why do we run from a good thing? What is it in the horse or mule that gives them such a wondering spirit? I don’t know much about the nature of a horse or mule but if I take it from this passage they sound like a creature that needs to be tethered or they wonder off to who knows where? It sounds like they don’t even know, they just wander away…around!
The Merriam Webster definition of wander is: 1: to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal; to go idly about : ramble. 2 : to follow a winding course : meander. 3 a : to go astray (as from a course) : stray. None of these sound like a good thing.
In my attempts at managing this diabetes stuff I have meandered and rambled in my attempts of a healthier life style. Frankly, I have been down right stubborn totally denying the truth of having this disease making it that much harder to reign it in! Lately, the Lord has allowed me to recognize where I need to be and not require that bit and bridle…so much! I recognize wise counsel in this area and take heed. Most of all, my favorite place to be is by His side, in His Word, surrounded by His love and grace. No need for bit and bridle here….well most of the time! Thank you, Father for instructing and teaching me which way to go! Blessings fellow equine!
The Lord is filling me to overflowing reminding me of things He has taught me over the years and He’s motivating me to press on in the race He has given me. I just found this reminder in reading through my journaling. God is so good to bring this to my mind and heart. It was written some time ago.
What are three things for which you are grateful? Let’s agree that our salvation in Christ, and our families are a given. NOW, list three other things: #1 our home, I am thankful for a warm or cool, comfortable, and safe place to be throughout my day. When I get in bed at night, I thank the Lord for my comfortable, cozy bed! (Until I’ve been in it too long then it stops being cozy!) 😁 #2 the enjoyable hobbies of writing, website design and my aquarium. I do find these relaxing and challenging at the same time. It’s the first time I have ever had this come to mind, but #3 – I’m thankful for the minutia of finding my place in the church. Again, it is challenging and sometimes sad as I often feel unsettled in my sense of belonging, but then maybe having a heart that hasn’t quit trying is something for which to be so very thankful. I pray I never become apathetic and lethargic in my walk and fellowship with other believers. I’m finding my purpose in THE church not just A church. (I’d like to go on record that since writing this particular journal item I have found an amazing body of believers and I do believe I’m home, at least on this side of heaven!)
I’m sooooo thankful that I have this passion for journaling my thoughts. God is so good to remind me of things He’s put on my heart as I have prayed prayers throughout my walk with Him but then quickly forgotten what I asked for and moved on to the next thing. But God doesn’t forget my prayers. He brings me back to them to reignite that sweet desire.
I’m not sure why I’m sharing all this with you. I guess it’s to say that God is dealing with me, and I’m making changes in my life, schedule, and commitments so I can focus on what God laid on my heart so many years ago.
But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14
What career would you realistically pursue if you wanted the most money?
What career would you realistically pursue if you wanted the biggest impact?
What career would you realistically pursue if you wanted to have the most fun?
What career offers the best mix? *James Clear’s newsletter,
I recently asked my supervisor to be allowed to work from home only because of my current, life season, mobility issues make it painfully difficult getting to and from work. The answer to working remotely has been “no” both times I’ve asked, explaining that my job description requires my presence as the office receptionist. For the past few months, I have contemplated retirement and in preparation of that possibility, I have begun to search the internet for a new, remote part-time job. Nothing I saw sounded as fun or the least bit as impactful as what I currently do!
As I read these questions from *James Clear’s newsletter, my mind reeled with the reality that the very job I am doing makes an amazing impact. Working alongside some of the best administrators and educators, we collectively strive to help a population of students achieve their career goals! It’s not just a time absorbing, paycheck providing, 9-5 job. (The most money question isn’t really relevant to me, so I don’t speak to that question.) AND, when challenged with the question about my job being “fun” I have to admit my job skill set and capabilities allows me to answer with a resounding, “Yes”! I love technology and software programs that keep organization, communication, and record-keeping flowing. I “get” to do this all day long with a laptop, and not one, but two large monitors in office digs that are just beautiful. Oh, and along with all this wonderful technology I have access to an amazing group of IT troubleshooting experts by just dialing HELP!
So, challenged with these questions of pursuing a fun and impactful career I took time to pause and reflect. I’ve concluded that no pursuit is required. I am already in the “best mix” and as far as the mobility issues, I purchased a scooter and, with a little extra effort of loading and unloading, I’m zooming to, around, and from work!
* Used by permission